Our archery range is independently managed by a professional in the field, who organizes courses and lessons with the utmost care, providing all the necessary equipment and ensuring seriousness and experience.

It is located in the area called “Fattoria” and has a shooting distance of up to 70 meters, along with a new field for Hunter & Field training.

The range is open to experienced archers with their own equipment from other associations and clubs as well.

The Archery School of Reggio Emilia – HF3D – provides training for beginners and advanced archers, including competitive preparation. For those archers who have attained a strong level of independence, we offer tailored activities with a yearly schedule coordinated with the coach.

The archery school is managed by Massimo Giovannucci, National Teacher of Fitarco (Italian Archery Federation), Coach Level 3 World Archery, Coach Trainer Level 2 World Archery, Collaborator for ARCO magazine, Responsible for Training DAE C.T. Uisp Reggio Emilia, Responsible for Youth Sport Plan.

The open activities take place from April to September, surrounded by priceless tranquility and oriented towards our hills. The courses are ongoing without a fixed date, simply by contacting the instructor for all arrangements.
Children are warmly welcomed from the age of 11.
We are also capable of assisting companies in organizing fun moments or specifically structured team-building activities.

For bookings and information, please contact:
Massimo Giovannucci, Phone: +39 392 126889
Email: info@enighma.eu